Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Herbers Residential Country Style, located in Valthermond
Version valid from 07-04-20151. General
1.1 These terms and conditions apply to all offers of Herbers Residential Country Style. The terms are accessible to everyone and are listed on the website of Herbers Residential Country Style.
On request we will send you a written copy.
1.2 By placing an order, you will know that you agree with the delivery and payment terms.
Herbers Residential Country Style reserves the right to change its delivery and / or payment terms after the expiration of the term.
1.3 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the general or specific terms or terms of third parties are not recognized by Herbers Residential Country Style.
1.4 Herbers Residential Country Style guarantees that the delivered product complies with the agreement and complies with the specifications specified.2. Delivery
2.1 Delivery takes place while stocks last.
2.2 Within the framework of remote purchase rules, Herbers Residential Country Style will make orders within at least 30 days. If this is not possible (because the order is not in stock or is no longer available), or if there is delay for other reasons, or an order can not be or only partially, the consumer will receive within 1 month of placing the Order message and in that case he has the right to cancel the order without charge and notice.
2.3 The delivery obligation of Herber's Residential Country Style will be fulfilled, except in case of counter-notification, as soon as the goods delivered by Herbers Residential Country Style have been offered once to the customer.
In the case of delivery at home, the carrier's report, including the refusal of acceptance, extends to full proof of supply to delivery.
2.4 All terms stated on the internet site are indicative. Consequently, no rights can be derived from the aforementioned periods.3. Prices
3.1 Prices are not increased within the term of the offer unless legal measures make this necessary or if the manufacturer makes interim price increases.
3.2 All prices on the site are subject to printing and typing errors. No liability is accepted for the consequences of pressure and error errors.
3.3 All prices on the site are in EUROs and include 21% VAT.4. Deadline / withdrawal right
4.1 If there is a consumer purchase, in accordance with the Distance Sales Act (Article 7: 5 of the Dutch Civil Code), the customer has the right to return the goods (part of) the goods delivered within a period of 7 working days without giving reason.
This period begins at the time the ordered items have been delivered. If, after the expiry of this period, the customer has not delivered the goods delivered to Herbers Residential Country Style
Sent back, the sale is a fact.
The customer is obliged to make a written notification within 7 working days of delivery before returning. The customer serves Herbers Residential Country Style
To prove that the goods delivered have been returned in time, for example, by post delivery proof. Return of the goods must be done in the original packaging (including accessories and accompanying documentation) and in new condition. If the goods have been used by the buyer, have been damaged or in any way damaged, the right to dissolve within the meaning of this paragraph shall expire. With respect to what is stated in the previous sentence, Herbers Wonen Country Style will ensure that within 30 days of receiving the return, the full purchase amount minus the shipping costs we have paid. Is refunded to the customer.
The return of the delivered goods is entirely at the expense and risk of the customer.
4.2 The right to dissolution, as described in the previous paragraph, relates only to the items delivered.
4.3 The right of withdrawal does not apply to:
Services whose implementation has been commenced with the consent of the consumer for the seven-day period
Goods or services whose price is subject to fluctuations in the financial market, on which the supplier has no influence
Goods that are manufactured according to consumer specifications, for example custom made, or which have a clear personal character
For goods or services that can not be returned by nature, for example due to hygiene or spoilage or aging, for example: Grooming decorations.
5. Data management
5.1 If you place an order at Herber's Residential Country Style, then your
Data included in Herbers Residential Country Style customer base
Herbers Residential Country Style is governed by the Personal Registration Act and will not provide your information to third parties.
5.2 Herbers Residential Rural Style respects the privacy of users of the internet site and ensures the confidentiality of your personal information.
6. Warranty
6.1 Herber's Residential Country Style guarantees that the products delivered by it meet the requirements of usability, reliability and life as reasonably intended by the parties to the purchase agreement, and hereby represent the manufacturer's warranty for the product you provide.
6.2 The warranty period of Herbers Residential Country Style corresponds to the factory warranty term.
However, Herbers Residential Country Style is never responsible for the ultimate suitability of the business for any individual application by the customer, or for any advice regarding the use or application of the business.
6.3 Herbers Living Country Style. Only guarantees warranty of construction and / or technical defects. Shrinkage / cracking etc. in wood products are excluded from the warranty as this concerns the natural working of the wood.
6.4 The customer is obliged to check the goods delivered immediately upon receipt.
If it appears that the delivered case is incorrect or incomplete, then the customer must, before returning to Herber's Residential Country Style, immediately report these defects to Herber's Residential Country Style. Any defects or misdirected goods may and may No later than 2 weeks after delivery to Herbers Residential Country Style, to be notified in writing. Return of the goods must be done in the original packaging (including accessories and accompanying documentation) and in new condition. After use of defects, damage occurs after Detection of defects, objections and / or resale after failure has been found, entitles this to advertising and resignation.
6.5 If Herbers Residential Country Style complaints are found to be well-founded, Herbers Residential Country Style will, at its discretion or delivered items, replace the customer free of charge or make a written settlement of the compensation with the customer, provided that Herbers Wonen's liability National Style and, consequently, the amount of compensation is always limited to the maximum amount of the invoice amount of the items concerned or (at the option of Herbers Residential Country Style to the maximum in the case in question by the liability insurance of the amount covered. Herbers Residential Country Style
Any liability of Herbers Residential Country Style for any other form of damage is excluded, including additional damages in any form, compensation for indirect damage or consequential damages or damage due to loss of profits.
6.6 Herber's Residential Country Style is not liable for damage caused by intent or similarly reckless recklessness of non-executive personnel.
6.7 This warranty does not apply if:
A) and as long as the buyer is in default of Herber's Residential Country Style;
B) the customer has prepared and / or edited the goods delivered or has been repaired or edited by third parties.
C) The goods delivered to abnormal circumstances have been exposed or otherwise treated with care or contrary to the directions of Herbers Residential Country Style
And / or instructions for use on the package;
D) the invalidity is wholly or partly the result of regulations or statements made by the government as to the nature or quality of the materials used
E) In case of overheating due to heating, exposure to humidity, extreme heat, cold or drought.7. Offers
7.1 Offers are free of charge, unless stated otherwise.
7.2 Upon acceptance of a non-binding offer by buyer, Herbers Wonen Landelijke Stijl reserves the right to revoke or waive the offer within 3 working days of receipt of such acceptance.
7.3 Oral commitments link Herber's Residential Country Style only after it has been confirmed expressly and in writing.
7.4 Offers from Herbers Residential Country Style do not automatically apply for rescheduling.
7.5 Herbers Residential Country Style can not be held to its offer if the buyer should have understood that the offer, or any part thereof, contained a manifest error or write-off.
7.6 Supplements, amendments and / or further arrangements are only valid if agreed in writing.8. Agreement
8.1 An agreement between Herber's Residential Country Style and a customer is established after an order has been reviewed by Herbers Residential Country Style for feasibility.
8.2 Herbers Residential Country Style reserves the right not to accept or accept orders or assignments without the need for the shipment without prior notice.9. Images and specifications
9.1 All images; Pictures, drawings etc .; For example, data on weights, dimensions, colors, images of labels, etc. on the Herbers Residential Rural Style Internet site are only approximate, are indicative and can not give rise to compensation or termination of the agreement.10. Force majeure
10.1 Herbers Residential Country Style is not liable if and insofar as its commitments can not be met as a result of force majeure.
10.2 Force majeure is understood to mean any foreign cause, as well as any circumstance, which should not reasonably be at risk to her. Delay in or malfunctioning by our suppliers, Internet malfunctions, malfunctions in the electricity, malfunctions in email traffic and malfunctions or changes in third party technology, transport difficulties, workstations, government measures, delay in landing, supplier failures, and / Or manufacturers of Herber's Residential Country Style as well as of auxiliary personnel, staff illness, defects in auxiliary or transport means expressly as force majeure.
10.3 Herber's Residential Country Style reserves the right to suspend its obligations in the event of force majeure and is also entitled to dissolve the agreement in whole or in part, or to claim that the content of the agreement is amended in such a way that implementation remains possible. In no case is Herbers Residential Country Style held to pay any fine or damages.
10.4 If Herbers Residential Country Style has already partially fulfilled its obligations or has partially fulfilled its obligations, it is entitled to invoice the delivered or separately delivered item and the customer is obliged to comply with this invoice. As it was a separate contract. However, this does not apply if the delivered or delivered part has no independent value.11. Liability
11.1 Herbers Residential Country Style is not liable for damage caused to vehicles or other objects resulting from improper use of the products. Before use, read the instructions on the packaging and / or consult our website.12. Retention of title
12.1 You pay in advance after you make an order via Herbers Lifestyle, you will automatically receive one order confirmation by mail.
When the total amount of the order confirmation has been credited to our bank account. Your order will be processed.
12.2 The items delivered by Herbers Residential Country Style, which are subject to the preservation of title, may only be resold under normal business practice and never used as a means of payment.
12.3 The Customer is not authorized to object to or subject to any other objection to the matters under title.
12.4 The customer already gives unconditional and irrevocable permission to the Herbers Residential Country Style or a Herbers Residential Country Style, in order to enter all those places where Herbers Residential Rural Style wishes to exercise her property rights in all cases Then there will be and take those things there.
12.5 If third parties attach confiscation to the goods delivered under title or to establish or enforce rights thereon, the buyer is obliged to inform Herbers Residential Country Style as soon as reasonably expected.
12.6 The customer undertakes to ensure the goods delivered under title reservation and to be insured against fire, explosion and water damage as well as theft and policy of this insurance at first request for access to Herbers Residential Country Style
.13. Applicable law / competent court
13.1 All agreements are governed by Dutch law.
13.2 Disputes arising out of an agreement between Herbers Residential Country Style and Buyer, which can not be resolved by mutual agreement, the competent court of the district of Groningen shall notify unless the Herbers Residential Rural Style is the one giving the difference to the competent Court of residence of the buyer, and with the exception of those disputes that fall within the jurisdiction of the district court judge.


Herbers Lifestyle 9 / 10 - 1 Reviews @ Kiyoh